Connor and Brendan Laverty are partnering with Making Headway Foundation for the 2023 NYC Marathon.

In Memory of Our Cousin Johnny

“In 1998, Johnny was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis (NF1) at the very young age of 2. NF1 is a rare genetic disorder that causes tumors to form on nerve tissues, specifically the brain. Throughout his life, he overcame and persevered through many challenges associated with the disease, including several brain and spinal surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, rehabilitation, and more. While this disease had a major impact on Johnny’s life, it never broken his spirit or his ability to make everyone laugh. He is truly one of a kind – the heart our family – and is our inspiration for running this year.”

“There are many emotions like fear, sadness, and uncertainty when it comes to navigating a rare disease such as NF1. Thankfully our family was introduced to Maya, Ed and the Making Headway team when Johnny underwent his very first chemotherapy treatment in NYC when he was about five years old. At the time, Johnny was receiving treatment weekly, and Making Headway went above and beyond to provide in-hospital services that created an environment so loving and supportive that it almost made you feel like you weren’t even at the hospital. They provided food, entertainment, arts & crafts, music and more in their famous “playroom” where Johnny and our family would hang out together while he received treatment. We are extremely grateful to Making Headway for helping Johnny, our family, and other families endure some of life’s most difficult moments.” – Connor and Brendan Laverty

Our goal is to raise a minimum of $20,000 on behalf of the Making Headway Foundation to continue the support of the thousands of families they have impacted.

Total Donations = $22,599  |  Goal: $20,000

Why Making Headway?

By joining our cause, your efforts will directly impact these children’s lives. Making Headway’s motto of Care, Comfort, and Cure guides our programs to ensure that we address the complex needs of families throughout the entire process. This includes Caring for the family on their long journey that begins at the time of diagnosis of a child’s brain or spinal cord tumor. We strive to create a sense of family and Comfort at the hospital or outpatient clinics where families may spend countless days or months. Finally, it includes our unrelenting passion to learn more about pediatric brain and spinal cord tumors, develop better treatments, and find a Cure. Specific programs include, a Care Coordinator to help families at the hospital, individual & family counseling, educational assistance, college scholarship fund, bereavement support, housing & emergency assistance, expert psychological, educational advocacy for families, Justus Joyful Moments Fund, family events and activities, hospital entertainment, clinical trials research, tissue biorepository center, local and federal advocacy, and more.