
Club Care is a charity organization dedicated to supporting children and families dealing with cancer. Club Care strives to create joyful moments through meaningful projects impacting individual families as well as larger oncology communities. Funding for all projects is raised through philanthropic donations. Click here for a complete list of activities and programs.

How to help

Volunteer: Club Care is always looking for volunteers of any age willing to help out. We provide opportunities to assist with existing projects virtually or live or to plan a future project. Community service hours can be provided for students by a licensed social worker. Reach out to discuss potential involvement.

Donate: Club Care relies on your financial support for all projects. 100% of donations will benefit children, families, and community members facing cancer. Club Care also welcomes donations of goods and services benefits to our cause.

Emma Justus and Club Care were featured in Making Headway’s Summer 2022 Newsletter.
Click here to read the article, “Kids on a Mission to Help Others”.

Club Care Co-Founder

Emma Justus co-founded Club Care when she was in sixth grade at Wagner middle school. She currently attends Beacon High School in New York City. She was inspired to create Club Care after her father was diagnosed with glioblastoma brain cancer. Unfortunately, he passed away after a two-year battle with the disease. He felt that “life should not be measured by time but by joyful moments.” She created Club Care to continue this legacy and change the lives of others in a similar situation.

This past June, Emma the recipient of the Goddard Riverside “Good Neighbor Award” for her work with Children with Brain Cancer in her community. In August, Emma received the National SHYNE Organization community service award. The Shyne Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create public platforms to recognize the positive achievements of youth between the ages 13-24. She received a financial grant for Club Care’s ongoing efforts and future projects in Emma’s honor. 


Club Care Co-Founder

Calliope Witkow co-founded Club Care in sixth grade. Currently, she attends Lab High School in New York City. She was inspired to create Club Care to honor her dad who passed away when she was 5 ½ years old. He was born with Cystic Fibrosis and in turn had two double lung transplants and a kidney transplant. He passed away from throat cancer. Her father bestowed many life lessons upon her, but one she carries with her everyday is to always see the good in every situation, no matter how serious. She hopes to help and reward as many children and families as she can, ultimately leaving her mark and honoring the person who influenced her to begin Club Care.

Club Care Team Member

Roberto Italiani joined the club care team in 2020. He co-leads Club Care at Beacon high school alongside Emma. Inspired by Calliopes’ and Emma’s impact, Roberto wanted to become a part of the movement. His contributions to Club Care are in honor of his great-Grandmother who passed away from glioblastoma brain cancer and his uncle who also passed away from brain cancer in 2019.