Making Headway – Patient Story (Carolyn)

Carolyn is a hard-working young woman who is currently a sophomore in high school. She is also a brain tumor survivor and lost her father when she was a young girl. Many brain tumor survivors face difficult challenges as a result of surgeries, treatments, and missed time at school.  Carolyn was experiencing difficulties after she finally returned to school, including problems with her schoolwork and anxiety about her social life. To help Carolyn, she was referred to a Making Headway Education Specialist.

Our educational specialist created a comprehensive presentation for Carolyn’s instructional team at school. She worked with them to develop creative instructional approaches, such as the use of an iPhone to take audio notes instead of written notes, as note-taking was difficult for Carolyn. Carolyn continues to show how strong she is despite all that she has been through. Her mother is extremely happy with the progress that she has made and is grateful for Making Headway’s assistance, passion and expertise.

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