Volunteerism and the National Day of Service

GreenbaumsWith Martin Luther King, Jr. Day occurring on January 18, there is much talk about volunteerism and the National Day of Service. At Making Headway Foundation, we are lucky to have the best volunteers around. We are most grateful for those who tirelessly fundraise for us by helping with our annual Winter Show. Proceeds from this special event funds 40% of our annual budget and we could not be successful without the help of our patient families and friends.

This year, our show will once again be held at the New Victory Theater and it is called Untapped! It is an afternoon performance with an audacious Aussie dance troupe that combines funk, hip-hop, jazz and rock for a high-octane afternoon of tap.

Sunday, February 21, 2016 at 12:00 pm

The New Victory Theater
209 West 42nd Street
Between 7th and 8th Avenues
New York City

Anyone who cannot attend the performance can still bring joy to those who need it most. Contributions will enable Making Headway to invite seriously ill children and their families to attend the performance free-of-charge.

Making Headway will use the proceeds from this event to fund diverse support services, projects and research.

Thank you to all of our volunteers who serve Making Headway Foundation year round!

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