The support we need (Cairo’s Story)
The support we need (Cairo’s Story)
When my son Cairo was diagnosed with learning difficulties I was overwhelmed. Trying to navigate “the system” and receive help for my son left me confused and feeling helpless. I knew my son could receive services provided by the Department of Education, even though I chose to send him to a private school. But when services began I didn’t know if he was receiving all that he needed in order to have a successful educational experience. I had no one to speak to or ask questions of. I felt like I was imposing on my son’s school because they are not a school designed for special education.
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When I became connected with Making Headway’s Education Advocate Patty Weiner, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. Patty has been an invaluable resource. She has a tremendous amount of experience and connections and has helped me not only with the DOE (obtaining testing for my son and understanding the results) but also with my son’s school. Whereas in the past I would sit back and hope that the services my son were receiving were “good enough,” I now know that I have someone looking out for my son’s best interests and who will make sure that he is receiving all the services he is entitled to. I can’t thank Making Headway enough for providing this valuable resource to our family. —Kelley Archer