Innovation and Funding Research

It takes many different approaches to raise the funds necessary to cure pediatric brain cancer.  The state of Missouri created a Pediatric Cancer Research Trust Fund under the newly enacted Sahara’s Law.  It had an excellent first year.

Read how they did it here.

Maybe New York could be next?

Survival and Inspiration

John Mordach

Photo is copied from the article in the Chicago Tribune.

We always want to hear inspiring stories from those who survive brain cancer.  Children with brain and spinal cord tumors are so resilient, brave and strong.  Sometimes, in the throes of treatment, it’s hard to remember that there is going to be a light at the end of the tunnel for most patients.  Here is a phenomenal story from the Chicago Tribune about one young man’s story.


You only live once.

I was visiting with a young brain cancer patient at the hospital the other day. A candy basket was passed around the Play Room where she was waiting to see the doctor. We were doing a craft project together.

She looked in the candy basket and spotted a mini Nestle Crunch bar. “Oh, boy! Those are my favorite!”, she exclaimed. I said, “I love those too.” She asked if I wanted one. I said, “I don’t know. It’s candy and I have lunch soon. Maybe I shouldn’t.” (Also thinking of the calories…) That seemed silly in the face of the sickness so evident in this young girl. So I said, “Should I?” She replied, without hesitation, “You only live once, Catherine.” Wow! Maybe that’s a lesson we can all learn…to live in the moment. Enjoy life as it is. Find the little joys wherever you find them.

I thank her for inspiring me to count my blessings.

Catherine Lepone, Executive Director, Making Headway Foundation