
Ellen was diagnosed with pilocytic astrocytoma (optic tumor) in 2005 at the age of 10 months. Her treatment included multiple surgeries, intensive chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. She suffers from multipole late effected as a result of her diagnosis and treatment, including diabetes, ACTH deficiency, growth hormone deficiency, kidney disease, neurocognitive dysfunction, and serious visual challenge. During elementary school, she demonstrated significant delays in reading comprehension, math, writing, and attention.
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Over the years, Making Headway has worked with the family to ensure a number of special resources are provided, including vision support, physical therapy, small group classes, counselling, and assistive technological tools. As Ellen moved into middle school, it became more evident that a specialized school would be required to meet her physical and educational needs. The family had to start considering Ellen’s long-term goals, including what life would look like after high school. Making Headway helped the family identify schools with hybrid programs that could offer academic learning with the latest technological tools (Ellen is legally blind) as well as life preparedness training so that she can achieve the highest level of independence as she enters adulthood.

Like many children who survive a brain tumor, their needs are constantly changing. The Making Headway On-Going Care Team understands the need to provide what is needed today, while developing a flexible and long-term plan. Children like Ellen would never have a chance to succeed, if not for the dedication and support of her family, her teachers, and everyone who supports the Making Headway Foundation.