Research Advance in Australia?

Here is a link to an interesting news story which aired on ABC News in Australia.  It documents new findings in the treatment for glioblastoma multiforme tumor cases. The Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) feels that they could go to clinical trials within a few years.  We love hopeful stories to start off the weekend.

ABC News

Cost of Cancer Drugs

We’d like to hear your comments about this interesting article.  Should there be parity in the costs of oral vs. intravenous drugs for cancer treatments?

Dr. Hildreth is a medical oncologist in private practice and has his own blog.  Making Headway doesn’t know Dr. Hildreth.  We just found this article compelling.

NYU’s Unprecedented Disaster Response

Here is a link to NYU’s recent “news & views” which tells the story of their call to action following Hurricane Sandy.  We thought you might be interested in reading it.


New Research Collaboration for Pediatric Tumors

Click the image to read the article.

We always like to see researchers collaborate!

Thesis Student Looking For Patient Families

Making Headway has offered to post the following information for a grad student in Connecticut:



My name is Heather, and I am a graduate student enrolled in Southern Connecticut State University’s Masters of Social Work Program. I am looking for a family to participate in my research study on how experiencing childhood cancer affects families.

PURPOSE:  The purpose of the research study is to explore the perceptions of each member of a family on how the experience of childhood cancer affects family functioning.

PARTICIPATION: Participation is voluntary. Each participating family member will be interviewed individually, and will be asked to answer a series of interview questions related to what family life was like before the diagnosis, and after surviving the experience, of childhood cancer. Participants have the option of phone interviews, video-chat interviews using Skype, and or in-person interviews (depending on geographical location).

ELIGIBILITY: For the purposes of this research study the family needs to:

  • Have experienced childhood cancer in at least one child member of the family
  • Be in survivor status for at least three years since remission status
  • Include two parents or partners
  • Be intact (parents have not been divorced and siblings have not been separated due to divorce)
  • Include at least one sibling younger than the child-patient
  • The child-patient should be 8 years of age or older
  • The youngest sibling should be no younger than 6 years of age
  • To be able to read, speak, and fully understand the English language, as it is the language the investigator will use.

WHEN: The study will take place between December 15th 2012 and February 17th 2013

CONTACT: For more information on this study, or to volunteer for participation, please contact:

Heather, MSW Student

Southern Connecticut State University

Cell Phone: (203) 927-7364
